Working Title: A Bookumentary
Genre: Observational documentary
Media Format: Flash drive
Synopsis: Focusing on a bookshop in Tunbridge Wells looking at the history of the bookshop and whether independent bookshops can survive against large chain stores. Interview the owner of the bookshop, they will be the subject and tell the bookshops story and how they came to own the bookshop. They will give their opinion on whether they believe it is a dying trade. We will also see the everyday workings of the bookshop, who comes in and out and what goes on.
Target Audience: This is a documentary for a niche market; A large age range, anyone who is interested in books. Middle to upper class people of society, as they would have to be well read to take an interest on this topic, and also to be able to buy expensive books. English Literature students as they often have to buy books. Finally bookshop owners.
Suggested Elements: close-up’s of old dusty books. Mood lighting, quite dingy. Create an emotional tie from the viewer to the subject.
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