Email Contact

This is the email that I sent to my three possible filming locations.

name: Lani Green
number: 07906780545

message: Hello,

I am a final year school student taking part in my A-level audio visual project. I am planning to create an observational documentary on a small independant bookshop. The documentary will be focusing on the owner and the character of the shop. I have chosen your bookshop as my main focus point. Would it be possible for another team member and I to film yourlocation with a small hand held camera, during the month of february. The video will only be used for educational purposes and will not be shown publicly.

Lani Green.

I had replies from two bookshops saying that they would be interested in taking part in the project; Halls bookshop and Sevenoaks bookshop. After extensive research, of the two I felt that Halls bookshop would be the most suitable location, due to its historic value. I preceeded by arranging the shoot via telephone with owner Sabrina Izzard.

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