Why I've Chosen A Documentary

I feel that creating a documentary will greatly enhance my abilities in the understanding of the media industry. After producing the first 5 minutes of a new film for AS level, I found that I greatly enjoyed both the pre-production and practical activity of filming. This urged me to further my knowledge and develop my skills in this subject area. Through choosing to produce a documentary, it will allow me to present actuality rather than using a cast and scripts. I feel that this will greatly benefit my studies into media as it allows me to look at video and digital productions rather than film.

Also I think that this brief will allow me a look into what the industry is really like, as I will have to make contact with people involved in the subject area that I choose and ask for filming permission. I think that this will help me to develop confidence and will mean that I have to work with people that I do not know, rather than working with actors that I know, as I did at AS level. Another reason for my choice is that it enables me to look at a subject of my choice, that I am interested in. I think that this will be beneficial to making a good documentary, as it means I will truly care about the project, and learning about the subject. This will mean that I can hopefully make a relevant film that will attract others that have similar interests to me.

However I do think that some problems may occur when making this documentary, as my interviewee will be someone that I do not know, that may have other commitments than making a good documentary. I hope to work around this issue through developing schedules with the subject. I will also have to find someone that is willing to be the focus of my film, as many will probably be unwilling. However through research I hope to find the perfect participant.

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