Evaluation- Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
When coming up with the ideas for my three products, I wanted to make sure that they had themes running throughout them, to create intertextuality between them. I recognised that all three products must work harmoniously in order to achieve an effective advertising campaign, and in turn an effective video product.

The idea that I wanted to portray through all three of my products was the sense of stepping back in time. The bookshop is over 100 years old, and retains the impression of being old. On visiting the location I decided that this was the idea I wanted my viewers to get when watching my video, and I felt that it was important to carry this idea through my advertising campaigns also. The way that I achieved this was through the images of old dusty books. These were featured in all three products. For both of my prints I used the same image of the subject, which helped create a link between the two products. I purposely placed the subject in front of shelves of books, so as to show firstly what the documentary was about, and secondly the second-hand dusty old nature of the books. To combine the print with my video I placed the subject in the same place when filming her interview.

Lighting was also important in creating effective print texts. I wanted the photos to have a dingy effect to them, and luckily the area that I photographed had good mood lighting. This dingy lighting was featured in all three of my products. It gave the desired effect of an old dusty shop.

The main title on both print products used the same font. I chose this font as it looked like a calligraphy style writing, which was commonly used in older lettering. I used the colour white for the fonts in both products which helped link the two together. This was also featured in the quote at the beginning of my documentary which was also written in white.

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