The Shoot

The shoot took place on the 15th of February. Initially I was concerned that I would have to return to the bookshop at a second date due to the amount of footage that I would be able to get in one day; however in the end I had over an hour and a half of footage to work with, plenty for a five minute film. The weather was sunny, which was particularly lucky as it meant that I could film outside and there was a lot of natural light inside the bookshop for filming. On arrival inside the bookshop I noticed that there were no customers, which posed a problem as I wished to film them browsing, but as the day went on more arrived alleviating the problem. The interview took place in the office of the bookshop; I had a very narrow space to set up and the tripod I was using did not fit easily. I shot the interview first as the bookshop was fairly quite, however after looking back at the footage some other voices were picked up on the internal microphone. I thought that this may cause a problem when editing, however after listening to the scene several times I feel that the voices may in fact add to the effect of the documentary. Because the bookshop was quite narrow moving the tripod around was quite difficult, however I managed by collapsing it. Lighting did not prove an issue because there are many windows in the shop. All in all the shoot was a success and I feel I can successfully edit what I have.

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